
Timo Honkela, Raimo Nordfors, and Raimo Tuuli. Document maps for competence management. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Professional Practice in AI, pages 31–39. IFIP, 2004.


The WEBSOM is a method for analyzing and visualizing large document collections. In the WEBSOM method, the self-organizing map algorithm is used to automatically organize collections of documents onto a two-dimensional map to enable easy exploration and search of the collection. Map regions that are close to each other contain similar items. GS Textplorer is a software package that implements the WEBSOM method and provides a modular software architecture with separate processes for data input and preprocessing, document map creation and map use. GS Textplorer provides tools, e.g., for overall visualization and interactive exploration, classical keyword-based search and query-by-example approach, and analysis of a combination of qualitative and quantitative data. In this article, we will consider one successful application area of the document maps, i.e., competence management. The document map approach has approved to be useful, e.g., in internal and external recruiting and strategic competence analysis.

Suggested BibTeX entry:

    author = {Timo Honkela and Raimo Nordfors and Raimo Tuuli},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the Symposium on Professional Practice in {AI}},
    pages = {31-39},
    publisher = {IFIP},
    title = {Document Maps for Competence Management},
    year = {2004},

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